At the beginning, our factory produced buttons using natural materials such as mother-of-pearl, horn or ivory.

During the second half of the 20th century, Crépin Petit has acquired skills and tools allowing it to produce buttons with synthetic materials as it carries on offering high quality materials which made its reputation.

For decades, the industrial policy of Crépin Petit consists to increase the value of its know-how by investing constantly in its different production tools and the training of its team. This determination to innovate and control locally its manufacturing process is recognised through different quality labels such as «Origine France Garantie» or «Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant» and give to Crépin Petit the long-term confidence of famous ready-to-wear French brands.


Our labels

By controlling our supplies and processes, we assure our customers and their users that our products are in optimum compliance, in particular by OEKO-TEX STANDARD® 100 CQ 928/7 IFTH, CQ 928/6 IFTH, CQ928/5 IFTH annual certification for our collections, giving a control of the residual quantity of substances for very small maximal proportions, without danger for the human being.
With about 150 years of experience, our collaborators have developed an exclusive industrial craftmanship. These skills are recognized today by the obtention of the label«Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant», label of recognition of the French State to reward French firms for the excellence of their traditional and industrial skills.
These exclusive methods of design, manufacturing and finishing, all realized in our french workshop, are certified also by«La French Fab», which guarantees the origin of our products.
Fabrication de boutons Made in France

We design and produce our sewing buttons in our workshops in Picardy for the greatest names of French and European fashion.

Our industrial craftmanship, the exclusive know-how of our 35 collaborators and our collections, recognized and awaited by the major companies of the clothing industry, provide us a predominant position on our markets.

By controlling our supplies and processes, we ensure our customers and their users that our products are in optimum compliance but also by an item tracking guarantee on a very long-term.

Our customers


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